The appreciation of your Tzelem Elokim or Godly “self” leads to an holistic
wholeness and inner tranquility. This is known as your “neshama (soul) state”.
This is your state of homestasis-a state of equilibrium and inner contentment.
I call it the neshama state because it is the state of being which is aligned
with Hashem. When in this state you are put in the state of “being” that Hashem
intended for you as your Godly state because, while in this state, you are
feeling connected to Hashem. This is a state of “daas”-knowledge of God-rather
than merely belief in G-d. In this state you are experiencing Hashem-you are
experiencing your own Tzelem Elokim. This is your closest connection to Hashem-
and you feel relaxed, calm, at peace. It is called Dveikus-connection state. You
feel a sense of shleimus-wholeness-in this state everything is clear-you can do
You can put yourself into your Neshama State by experiencing your
finest Godly midah-attribute. You can access this state by first imagining a
beautiful landscape or place that you find relaxing and rejuvenating. It may be
the Grand Canyon, the beach or a sunset in Israel. Go to that place in your
mind and describe the landscape to yourself with all its colors, sounds and
scents. Feel the place. Experience the sense of calm and relaxation that you
feel in this place. Now, realize that the reason you have this feeling of calm
which arises when you go to this place of external beauty is because it merely
reflects the Grand Canyon, the beach or the sunset, that resides in your inner
self. Search your mind, psyche and soul and find the warmest, most sensitive
and relaxed part of yourself. That is the Grand Canyon, beach or sunset within
This feeling of wholeness and wholesomeness inside your psyche is
there because the Grand Canyon inside you—which means your highest and best
sense of inner calm--- represents and actually is an awareness and consciousness of your highest
and best attribute-your midda tova. When you are at the Grand Canyon or
experiencing the stunning sunset, you feel one with the world—one with God’s
creation. You feel whole because you are aligned with God’s world. On a deeper level, the real reason you feel
whole is because the Grand Canyon or the sunset is triggering and awakening a
deeper part of your self—your best and highest attribute.
WE feel calm and expansive when we see a beautiful place because
it mirrors your own beautiful place, inside. When we focus and contemplate this
place-the place where our best attributes reside –the core of our real
selves-then we experience shleimus. This is the real you. Now you8 can feel
good about yourself—because you now have an awareness of true value within
yourself. That is your intrinsic Godly value
How so? Hashem is the only true Reality in the universe because He
relies on no one-he is totally independent of any other cause. He is the First
Cause (Rambam-Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah 1:1) and therefore is the only true
independent Reality. Hashem blew an aspect of His Independent Reality into
you-when He created your neshama. Your neshama is a breath from Hashem-as
neshama comes from the word neshima-breath. So the only REAL part of you is
that part which reflects the true Reality-Hashem. What do we know about the
reality that is Hashem? Only that which He has told us about Himself-that He is
Hashem, Hashem,Kel, Rachum, VChanun, Erech Apayim, Rav Chesed V’Emes, Notzer Chessed L’alaphim, Noseh Avon, Vaphesha, V’Chataah Vnakeih…..Shmos
Hashem, Hashem,Kel, Rachum, VChanun, Erech Apayim, Rav Chesed V’Emes, Notzer Chessed L’alaphim, Noseh Avon, Vaphesha, V’Chataah Vnakeih…..Shmos
That part of you which is your highest and best attribute –which
is a reflection of Hashem’s attributes-is the real part of you. When you are
conscious of and when you live these attributes then you are bringing G-d into
the world through your bechirah-your free will. These attributes, when brought
into human terms, are:
Hashem Hashem-consistency, never giving up, perseverance
Kel-Power and Leadership
Chanun-Graciousness, Empathy, Sincerity
Erech Apayim-Patient, Mellow, Laid Back
Rav Chessed-Loving-kindness
Nozer Chessed-Creativity with ideas, music, art
Noseh Avon Vaphesah VChataah-Forgiving nature
Nakei-Purity-the real overall reason you were sent into the world. (The discovery of this reason takes a lifetime, so be patient)
When you contemplate, recognize and activate that attribute- the real part of your “self”, then you are truly alive-and that is why you feel shleimus. When you are in this state of being nothing can throw you off track-because you are connected with truth-you know the truth. Thus is what daas means-knowledge means connection-or chibur-to the truth.
Kel-Power and Leadership
Chanun-Graciousness, Empathy, Sincerity
Erech Apayim-Patient, Mellow, Laid Back
Rav Chessed-Loving-kindness
Nozer Chessed-Creativity with ideas, music, art
Noseh Avon Vaphesah VChataah-Forgiving nature
Nakei-Purity-the real overall reason you were sent into the world. (The discovery of this reason takes a lifetime, so be patient)
When you contemplate, recognize and activate that attribute- the real part of your “self”, then you are truly alive-and that is why you feel shleimus. When you are in this state of being nothing can throw you off track-because you are connected with truth-you know the truth. Thus is what daas means-knowledge means connection-or chibur-to the truth.
You don’t believe it to be true-you know it is true.
In this state of being, doubts and “thinking” are irrelevant.
Thoughts are merely electrical impulses form the brain-they are not real.
Sometimes you have positive thoughts which lead to good feeling, good mood and
positive sensations in your body. Sometimes we have anxious thoughts, which
lead to tense feelings, a depressed mood and stress in your body. Thoughts
fluctuate and cause our moods to fluctuate. These thoughts are part of the
world of fantasy-they are not real. The way to avoid the mood swings brought on
by fluctuating anxious thoughts is to leave your head space-leave your
thoughts-and go to your neshama state. There, no thoughts are relevant-because
you are connected to truth itself-to your G-dly self.
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